Thursday, November 15, 2007

Some Velvet Morning - Rock you should not miss!

'Some Velvet Morning' is a rock band, that recently published their debut album 'Silence Will Kill You'. And it does ROCK!

You can still get it from quite cheaply (around $9 now, will not get past $10.78 anyway). And its all high quality (~256kbps VBR) mp3s without DRM. Listen for yourself ...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Divide and Conquer gets double click - all it took was an email.

Well, the title says it all. Since my son was born the pool of free time has shrinked considerably, so most of my past projects have come to a halt (or progressing very slowly). 'Divide and Conquer' was one of them. Sometimes it takes an email (thanks to Veselin Stoev) to get me going. So without further ado, here's a newer version of DnC (v 1.1), that adds double cliking. This new function is bound to ',' (coma), that is just in between the '0' and Enter key on my numpad (and my HP notebook too).

dnc-1.1.ahk, dnc-1.1.exe

Grab the script if you want to play with it or have the autohotkey runtime installed. The executable is for all other people.


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